free html hit counter Peak Oil Debunked: 132. RUPPERT MILKS HIS FOLLOWERS FOR MONEY

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Mike Ruppert* is the Oral Roberts of peak oil. Everybody is out to get him, so he's been forced into the unfortunate position of having to milk his followers for cash to pay his rent, bills and moving expenses. The really scary part is that he's going to (yikes!) go silent if the checks aren't forthcoming. Lord, let's hope it doesn't come to that. That'd be almost as bad as the 900-foot Jesus taking Oral "home":
I have loaned all of my father's life insurance back to FTW to keep it serving you through the sabotage, back taxes and court cases. I have not taken a paycheck since March. Yet every FTW employee has always been paid on time and we are current with our creditors. But it is now getting difficult for me to pay my rent and personal bills.

Seeking refuge in a foreign country remains a less-desirable option if things get worse but it is one that I cannot rule out.

Presently, Denial Stops Here is in the final stages of editing and music mixing. I do not have enough money to reproduce it to sell. I do not have enough money to relocate FTW and its staff. The one thing I can do is to sell my car to finance the DVD, but that would pose other serious problems. I have traveled to participate in two events in Washington this year at my own expense.

We’re running on fumes at FTW and we have been forced to reach out for help again.

In 2000, FTW subscribers responded almost overnight with $11,000 to keep us going after a business plan to resurrect suppressed books was torpedoed by a high school classmate who had worked for the National Security Agency leaving me on the hook for several thousand dollars.

In 2003, thanks to you, FTW raised more than $130,000 in five weeks to pay for a series of full-page ads which ran in major newspapers around the country and really upset some major politicians and special interests. FTW will be eternally grateful to a wonderful man, Jack Gubanc, who made that first ad in the Washington Post possible. Jack showed us what kind of support we had out there, and we sadly mourn his recent passing. Rest in Peace, Jack.

We need that much again and more. It’s not just me that has to move. We have four staff members with families and we need to secure office space in our selected community before leaving here.

If you read FTW regularly, and if you have read Crossing the Rubicon you understand how critical it is that we get out of Los Angeles now. You know that – before this descending curtain of repression and collapse sinks any lower – we must release our new DVD. There is no more time.Source



At Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 9:07:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg this is rich! back taxes? on what? the $130K he raised in 2003?

sabotage? by whom? let me guess? the CIA and black helicopters!

wow, just wow.

At Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 9:08:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

almost forgot my favourite part: "i might have to sell my car"...

At Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 12:59:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just read the entire FTW entry. holy smokes no wonder Ruppert is so pessimistic about the world economy and it's inability to handle the oil shock.

he's basing it on his own, obviously incredibly delicate, house of cards. the guy is a poster child of fiscal mismanagement and paranoia.

he mentions going to the Pacific Northwest next. I wonder if he's talking Eastern WA. isn't that where Savinar is going when TSHTF? I would expect Matt would want to distance himself from this guy. Can you imagine what Ruppert would do to a previously self-sustainable community?

At Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:34:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Spam...

Anyway, the comments are a little uncharitable. Ruppert's view is that he's ripped through every asset he's got to have given us information that we wouldn't otherwise have gotten. He sees himself as fighting a corrupt and evil system, and sacrificing himself to do so.

Obviously, he's got a christ-complex. But if we're being honest, a lot of people have a christ-complex. And the system is evil and corrupt, and Mike Ruppert has given us plenty of factual information that we wouldn't otherwise have had.

Does this mean he's not a little paranoid? No. Does this mean that we should accept everything he says as gospel? No. Does this mean that we must give him money? No, but I plan to donate some. I don't believe everything Ruppert says on FTW, or in Rubicon, but I've learned enough from him that news stories I read even in the mainstream press make a lot more sense than they used to, and I've benefitted from the shift in viewpoint.

Very few people are so simple that they can be summed up as paranoid freaks or valiant heroes. The truth of Ruppert is somewhere in the middle, and in my opinion, more towards valiant hero.

At Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 4:10:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Mike Ruppert shits and pisses just like the rest of us. Sometimes the toilet backs up and he needs to call for help cleaning up the mess. Clearly this indicates he is a fraud and he is spawn of satan.

At Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 7:57:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it a coincidence that FTW also stands for F*ck The World?

At Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 11:47:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wow, Mike Ruppert shits and pisses just like the rest of us. Sometimes the toilet backs up and he needs to call for help cleaning up the mess."

just like the rest of us?

really, so you too are being persecuted by the FBI, harrassed by your former employees, and find a need to explain in embarrasaingly painful detail to people who don't really know you why they should give you their money to solve your problems?

sorry, but that ain't my shit and piss.

At Friday, October 14, 2005 at 7:02:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

based on my own reading, research and time invested in learning and digging into issues, i have come to think that ruppert is not nuts. i'm sending the guy some cash.

At Friday, October 14, 2005 at 8:14:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is at its best when it examines peak oil with facts, figures, and detached logic. This blog is at its worst when it levels personal attacks on peak oil advocated.

At Friday, October 14, 2005 at 10:34:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody consider the following:

I found out about PO from Mike.


Aaron found out about Peak Oil from my site.

No FTW = No LATOC = No

I remember at least one of the main folks (if not 2 or 3) at The Oil Drum finding out from LATOC. I think it was Ianqi and Prof G., but can't remember for sure.

No FTW = No LATOC = No

James at found out about PO from LATOC.

No FTW = No LATOC = No

Even if End of Suburbia had been made, do you really think it would have been so widespread if FTW, LATOC,, TOD, Powerswitch, etc. hadn't been kicking so muh butt? My guess is it would have done well, but not had the outstanding success it has had.

No FTW = No LATOC = No = Much less success for EOS

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. So if you check FTW, LATOC,, Powerswitch, TOD, or was introduced to this stuff by first seeing EOS, you owe Mike some gratitude.

Even the debunkers wouldn't have anything to "debunk" if it wasn't for Mike.



At Saturday, October 15, 2005 at 10:58:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that was a nifty way to plug your site in the guise of defending FTW, mr savinar. (btw, FTW and Mike Ruppert's financial problem should not be treated as the same thing).

Why does it seem to me that it's so important for you to constantly re-iterate the importance of latoc to the awareness of PO? Is it so that when TSHTF and we start implementing population control you will have a revered place in society so that even though you may not have too much to offer to the post petroleum world (you're a lawyer, and apparently not even a very good one) you will not be humanely euthanised?

At Saturday, October 15, 2005 at 11:32:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jake wrote:

"Is it so that when TSHTF and we start implementing population control you will have a revered place in society so that even though you may not have too much to offer to the post petroleum world (you're a lawyer, and apparently not even a very good one) you will not be humanely euthanised?"

Dude, you found me out!

At Saturday, October 15, 2005 at 11:34:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm more concerned about being fed into the thermal depoloymerization machine.

Us attorneys are pretty greasy you know and I fear we'll be a top the list.

You know what Shakespeare said, "first thing . . . "



At Sunday, October 16, 2005 at 8:23:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, someone else would have filled the void if it weren't for Mike. Perhaps you would have independently come to your PO conclusion and started LATOC independently, for instance.

(This is like defending Microsoft by saying that if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have home computers. Yes, people do say that.)

At Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 7:21:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if anyone here has thoughts on Ruppert's prediction of a near term (weeks or months) collapse of the US economy. That caught my attention.

At Friday, December 16, 2005 at 10:20:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if anyone here has thoughts on Ruppert's prediction of a near term (weeks or months) collapse of the US economy. That caught my attention.

I noticed that also. Seeing as how this article was in October and its now December, I guess the economy didnt fall in the toilet and he doesnt need the money?

At Saturday, June 3, 2006 at 2:27:00 PM PDT, Blogger Mel. Hauser said...

Ugh. That's no joke, Dave. The state of Washington has become the chosen haven for all brand of neo-socialists, racists, survival nuts and other doomsday types. It seems like every few months, there's some new group setting up their tent in the outback, preparing for the end. Whether that takes the form of PO, Aztlan, the government sending in the troops to take over, or whatever the hell else.

But as far as I know, Ruppie wasn't looking to relocate in Eastern Washington. The northwest portion is the money area for these nuts, as it's got tons of cheap, isolated real estate that can be cleared out in massive quantities and refashioned into farmland.

Good stuff for a doomsday compound. Some clown at PO was babbling on a few weeks back about how thankful he was that he'd managed to secure EIGHTY ACRES up here ahead of the American economic crash predictions.

Eighty acres. Hopefully, he also saw fit to kidnap some cheap immigrant labor while he was hording his guns and gold, too. Freaks.


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